One of the core direction of our store has always been maintaining independence, and to oversee our own productions. We work with other companies who allow us to maintain a high level of independence when it comes to designing and manufacturing the products. There have been some defects in the recent designs and this has been unfortunate, our biggest gripe has been that the print were not cut as well as we would have liked. Therefore, we have suspended some designs for now, such as the t-shirt you see in this post, the details are too much for our current machine to cut reasonably. To fix this issue, we have worked with our print labs and we have decided to contact our local suppliers for a different and higher performing cutter. It is our hope that this will do the design justice. So for now, some designs wont be able to be released. We are aiming for the end of September or mid October before our labs can get this new machine up and running.
Thank you for your time and the love. Please understand our limitations, we will do better.