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DAWN- For The Darkest Parts Of Us

The image is not an unfamiliar one. Skulls, Guns and Roses. Perhaps overused and over-rated, the visuals still speaks to a part of me that i'd identified with in my younger days. The bands, heavy metal and rock'n roll was a big part of our train rides to school. I'd even had the privilege of attending some of the underground concerts by power-metal bands who'd spray the cops with newly opened Jack Daniels. It's an homage no doubt, to the darkest parts of us.

The dressing of the skeleton was taken from a sculpture; Ecstasy of St Theresa. It was one of the more notable and memorable ones that i'd seen from art history lectures. In my daze, i'd always thought about how audience would have reacted to it at the time of revealing this work, it must have been shocking.

In building up the brand, it's getting really hard to think of ideas as the days go by, and to understand the t-shirt as a canvas; of what graphics would look good on it and what i'd personally enjoy wearing. Honestly, i think the well is running dry and i have been scraping 9/10 of the things that we have been coming up with, as oppose to the past.( It was easier starting out). I think one of the things that fuels me, other than the love i have been getting, is also the hate that i'd let fester.

Enjoy the T-shirt and thank you for the love and support as always.



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