Our screen printing journey has officially started. In our upcoming drops, there will be screen printed tees.
For the past months, we went from sourcing of machinery, to learning about the techniques, inks, mesh counts and equipments. ( As you can see, it is driving our little bunny a tad bit crazy)
We've always wanted to screen print our tees, we've tried it and the quality is much better than what we currently have. However we didn't want to outsource the production, since it was very difficult to control the consistency of the quality, and also we'd really wanted to try screen printing first hand.
If you are new to the concept, Screen printing is basically a technique that pushes ink, (through a screen or mesh) and it then either sits on top of the T-shirt or seeps into the fabric on the tees (depending on the type of ink). This technique allows us to produce a higher quality print and will last longer than our heatpress or DTG methods.
The feeling of wearing the tee is also different, it is known as soft hand, in the industry. It results in a much softer T-shirt.
Honestly, we have no idea what we are doing either, we just you-tubed and googled our way through most of our obstacles. So if you are thinking of starting a small T-shirt store on the side, you can email us, let us know and we can have a conversation on what not to do.
The year is coming to an end, as we look back on the first year of the splooting bunny, it really puts a smile on our face for the people we've met. As usual, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. For making it this far down the post, here's a complementary voucher for all tees in our shop. It will last till the new year, so you can take your time with it.
Stay safe out there, we hope you and your families are well. Till next time.
The Bunny